Mortgage Blog

Simplicity of Life

August 22nd, 2012 10:18 AM by Eric Fang

I made a new year resolution of reading about 20 books
this year, I think I can do that. I will finish a half-marathon,
and I already scheduled one for Oct and another for Novernmebr.

I just finished three books at the same time: Eat & Run,
Tuesday with Morrie and 18 Minutes(Find Your Focus, Master
Distraction, Get the Right Things Done).

Actually those are the three areas I am focusing now,
understand the meaning of the life(too broad topic),
running and how to affectively run a business. And I
decided to live a simple meaningful life. This does not
mean we don't have to work hard, it does not mean
that we don't need to make investment, but we don't have
to fucus too much on it and enjoy the life at the same time.

Starting next year, we will decide to travel around California,
with the car(and the feet). We will run half-marathons
to different cities so that we can have a better idea
of that city. I think it would be a wonderful expereince
for us(we will all run, the whole family).

As for the rates, you don't have to worry, it will go up
ad down It is still at the best level. Is not it?

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on August 22nd, 2012 10:18 AM



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