Mortgage Blog

Business Courtesy

February 8th, 2011 3:25 PM by Eric Fang

Yesterday, a lender called me that they had to cancel
my loan because the selling agent was on a national
watch list.

As business courtesy, I should not give the lender's
contact info to the agent. And I was not allowed to do
so. But the agent promised me that he did not do anything
wrong in the past, and was upset that he was on the list.

So I gave him the contact info. The lender was a little bit
upset(because I gave out the numbers), but the good news
is that the person on the list was not the same person
as the selling agent.

And we can proceed with the transaction again today.

The problem is: did I do it right? Though I helped the
agent this time, it was not my best interest and
it was not right to give out the contact info.

Though it's unfair to those agents who were mistakenly
put on the list(especially with the same names), If this
happens again in the future, I may not be able to help
next time.

Otherwise, I may be kicked out by the lender.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on February 8th, 2011 3:25 PM



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