Mortgage Blog

Marriage Certificate

April 7th, 2014 10:51 PM by Eric Fang

It was my first time to see the lender's request
to ask borrower's marriage certificate to prove
that "you are married". So if you married in foreign
countries(or long time ago), please try to find
the copy, in case the lender needs it.

And in another occuation, I was asked to provide
the marriage certificate so that I could be added
to my wife's insurance.

So I am wondering whether we should keep the certificate
handy so that we can prepare to the lender or insurance
company if they need it.

Also, if your green card expires soon, please apply to
renew asap.

And it's the time to register to vote. We will all need
to vote this June first, then Nov.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on April 7th, 2014 10:51 PM



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