Mortgage Blog

Shoud I stick to my plan

October 11th, 2017 9:17 AM by Eric Fang

I always have a plan. Even when I went for a vacation to China in June, I asked my daughter's high school sent me home a copy of the transcripts, and asked my neighbor to check my mailbox for the original copy. And just in case, if the high school failed to send the original to the college, my neighbor would fedex another copy to the college for me. The school counselor said that I was crazy since they never did anything wrong before. But who knows. My friend told me that their daughter's transcripts were not send out to college on time, and they had to send the proof that they did request the high school to send, and the high school made the mistake. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with a back up plan.

 I started accumulated financial stocks and builder stocks during 2007-2008 to 2013-2014. And I started liquid them this year. Sold 20% of JPM, all WFC, 10% BAC, 10% of KBH. And a few days back, I said that if KBH reaches $27, I would sell another 10%, and it is $27.10 now.
I setup the sell limit of $27.50. And I took my friends' advice to purchase QQQ and XLF and will hold them for 25 years. The first entry point for XLF will be $24.77, the second one will be $23.88. I will watch them and purchase some shares if it is lower.

This is part of the plan for the retirement. When I prepare for the retirement, I would like to hold no individual shares any more. The SP 500 ETF, QQQ and XLF is the best options. I think the financial stocks, and high tech and the SP 500 should be good enough. If individual stocks, V and MA is very good. I had to resist the temptation for the individual stocks.

Finished the page 220 for "I am Malala". Understand more about what happened in Pakistan, and  the little valley of Swat she lived before, and what she did for the education, especially the girls' in Pakistan. Hopefully I finish it this weekend(total 320 pages). And after that I will start "A Walk in the Woods".  This is about the guy who hiked AT(Appalachian Trail). I may not walk the whole trail, but I think I will try part of it in the future.
At least I know the trail is from Georgia to Maine at this moment.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 11th, 2017 9:17 AM



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