Mortgage Blog

Interest rate a little bit lower

December 9th, 2014 10:40 AM by Eric Fang

The rate is still within the trading range. And actually it is
still higher than the recently lows.

For the stocks, I will not try to timing the market. Just want to try some
easy understand companies, like SBUX, MA, V, and KO, etc.
I know WFM might be good, but I do not have to take the risk. We know V, MA
will always make money as long as people use the credit cards.

I finished my marathon last weekend. The finish time was 3:32:49. It was
not as good as expected. Still not that bad since I had a cramp on the mile 22 to 26.
And it was still 3 minutes faster than last year. For the year 2014, I already finished
running of over 2100 miles. For the year 2015, I will run at least 2 marathons.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on December 9th, 2014 10:40 AM



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