Mortgage Blog

Builder stocks and Jumbo Investment Rates

August 17th, 2015 11:42 AM by Eric Fang

First, I have very good Jumbo investment rates(for loans over $625,500), either ARM or fixed loan programs. Please send me an email if you happen to have this kind of loan.

In the last weekend's blog, I mentioned that I have a few buyers are purchasing the homes, and the offers accepted quickly. And for the past weekend, one borrower purchased one from the builder, another one in the works, and one more will be accepted this week. Seems to me the trend continues. And this time is a little bit different, we have a few first time buyers jump in. And also those move-ups. We need those move-ups, and first time buyers to drive a healthy real estate market. I know the market was also good for the last a few years, but for quite some time, buyers were purchasing investment properties. And another thing, inventory is still low.

But I did not purchase any builder stocks.One reason was that I already got enough. And another reason is that I tried to build up my portfolio mainly on index funds.

And Santa Rosa Marathon is on this Sunday. Goal 1 is BQ; Goal 2 is PR. Goal 3 is to finish. I hope I can at least accomplish goal 2.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on August 17th, 2015 11:42 AM



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