Mortgage Blog

Please don't forget to register to Vote. Deadline is May 19th, 2014

May 13th, 2014 12:07 PM by Eric Fang

The website address is:

It will take only a few minutes to complete the registration
so that we can vote on June 3rd.

Read an interesting article yesterday about "Stay-at-home"
nation. It talked about the real estate problem when the people
do not move(or move up): Unattractive salaries and lack of
employment opportunities for younger people, traditionally the
most proactive part of the labor force, high commute and relocation
costs, student loan debt and post-crises risk aversion, freeze
labor markets. When people don’t get new and better jobs and
don’t move, they don’t buy houses; the houses don’t sell, and
people can’t move and get new and better jobs.

We still need strong RE recovery to create jobs or jobs to push
the RE recovery. Anyway, we are stuck in between now.

Back to the Vote thing. One day, my trainer saw me to have
a rest on the weight lift machine, and he said: Rest could not
bury calories. Same for the vote, we need to use our votes
to pursue our rights. So please register in the next 6 days,
and vote on June 3rd.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on May 13th, 2014 12:07 PM



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