Mortgage Blog

Quarterly Review(Q2 2012)

June 29th, 2012 7:37 PM by Eric Fang

Not Sure why I should write this. Maybe because I did
not write blogs too much recently.

Very interesting things happened last quarter.
First, JPM had an unexpected trading loss(
and I had unpected loss as well) and Jamie
was on the hot spot to prepare the questioning
from the congress. Then the euro crisis, the
focus is from Greek, Spain and Italy(will soon be).
It will be an endless game.

About two weeks ago, when I drove to see some REO
listings, I was surprised to find out some builders
started to build some new houses. And also I have
some clients started to purchase houses from the
builders, since the REO inventory is "low".
That's when I started purchasing the builder
stocks. And that's why I wrote a blog about the

Sometimes, even though you think the market
will eventually recover, but if you put into
the action too soon, you may have a little bit pain.
Anyway, my builder stocks are above water now.

We like the market fluctuates. That's how we
make money from tradings. That's how we can
get low interest rates, when traders are panic
about buying bonds.

For my business, it could not be better.
I have another record 1st half year.

But the best of all the achievement is my
weight control and running. I joked with
the lender the other day, I am a runner
who closed most loans; and I am a mortgage
originator who runs the most milage per week.

Enjoy the nice weather and time flies.
Very surprised to find out that we have
only another 6 months into a new year.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on June 29th, 2012 7:37 PM



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