Mortgage Blog

How to get the help you need?

November 20th, 2016 11:09 PM by Eric Fang

Yes, I am still reading the book: the small big. According to the book ,  the answer is : just ask. From the studies, people will underestimate the likelihood of other people's willingness to help. When you ask strangers to walk you to a local gym or to use their cellular phone to make a quick phone call, people is very happy to help actually. 

I had a refinance case a few months back when my client was doing the refi. Since she had 6 months waiting period, the agent would have a penalty if close the refi earlier. So the agent asked the borrower to cancel the refinance with me. When borrower told me the story, I actually helped to delay the closing for 3 more weeks to meet the deadline if waiting period required by the previous lender. The agent should have asked me for the help. There is nothing to lose even I were not willing to help, so she should try. And she was very surprised when I told her that I can help her. 

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on November 20th, 2016 11:09 PM



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