Mortgage Blog

My Investment for the Year 2013 -- Part 1 -- Running

December 26th, 2013 1:54 PM by Eric Fang

It is almost end of the year 2013. And as usual,
we will contemplate the accompishment of the past
year and will have a plan for the new year.

I completed running 1727 miles this year(
Will finish 6 miles Friday; 8 miles Saturday).
Though I reached my gal of 1500 miles,
I think I could do better.

First for my running, I think I did great for the
first 8 monthly, I knew what my goal was, and I ran
slowly most of the time; and my goal was losing
weight. But I think I lost my focus after August.
After Sep 2nd Labor Day Race, when my pace was about
45 seconds faster than last year, I focused too much
on the race; for the two half marathon races(Oct & Nov)
and my first Marathon. Even though I can "show off" how
fast I can run now, but I did not reach my goal of
weight loss.

I checked my blog of the last year. See the link.
I only lost 5 lbs this year(though my weight was
around 170lbs the beginning of 2013). And I gained
about 3-5 lbs during my Marathon Training.

So for the year of 2014, I will focus more on the
weight loss and wil run a few half marathon with
my daughter and my wife.

The running goal: one 10k race; 3-5 Half Marathons;
one marathon. Weight loss goal: 165 lbs any time in
2014(Just reach it, though it bounces back sometime).
For the running pace, I hope I can run 7:15 per mile
for my 10k and half marathon; and 8 minutes per mile
for marathon.

And let's review it the end of year 2014

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on December 26th, 2013 1:54 PM



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