Mortgage Blog

We are not on the wrong direction

October 17th, 2013 7:35 AM by Eric Fang

We got up 5am and started running on the street
at 6am. I know it was dark, so it's better to run
on the street than on the trail.

While we were running, some kids(not sure college
kids or high school kids) yelled at us: You guys
are on the wrong direction.

Actually we were not. We were told and trained
to run against the traffic. So we can see the upcoming
cars and bikes, so that we are not hit by the cars.
But non-runners don't know that, and thought we were

It's the same for the other experience. Sometimes,
we are so naive that we don't know that we don't know
and pretend that we know everything. And sometimes we
think other people were wrong, but actually we don't
know much about it.

A lot of people like to predict stock market or the
interest rate. It's very hard to do it, and there is
not many experts, though a lot of them cliamed they
are. Even the recent nobel prize winners cliam that
they can know the "trend" of the stock market in the
long term. Yes I know too. It is going to be up, anyway.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 17th, 2013 7:35 AM



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