Mortgage Blog

Listen to your body and yourself

October 1st, 2013 10:06 AM by Eric Fang

I ran 20 miles Sunday. And I finished at the pace
around 8:40. I felt so good about it since it was
about 30 minutes faster than the summer run for
the same miles.

I did the recovery foam roller for one hour prior
to the running and another one hour after. And I
did not feel any sore at all for Monday and Tuesday.
It is so good that I did stetch myself too much.

Tomight the club has a workout training by  a very famous
coach Jim Hunt. It was suposed to be very helpful, but
I think it might be too much for a middle aged person
like me, so I will have to give up this time.

It is the same for loans. I know what I want. I feel
happy when I do the loans, when I get the best rates
for my clients, and I feel annoyed when some clients
did not play by the game rule.

Like the running, even though it is a very long run,
it is a very enjoyable experience to me, just because
I like the challenge.

I worked with one client over the weekend. And he told me
that I should give him the best rate since the business
is slowing down. I told him that I always gave my clients
the best rate. And I told him that I do not do the business
just for the money, and I want them to have a good
experience as well.

Sometimes, I do feel bad when borrowers asked me to lock
the rate with one lender and do the loan with another
lender when the rate is lower. It is beyond of my standard
of doing business. So I will have to stick to my moral
standards, which will benefit the borrower, the lender
and the loan orignator(myself).

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 1st, 2013 10:06 AM



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