Mortgage Blog

Bond market will be closed because of "Sandy"

October 29th, 2012 3:31 PM by Eric Fang

So there are some uncertainty for the market rates.

The rate is lower to the almost lowest rate level again.
I would suggest to lock the rate if possible. You might
not be able to get the lowest rate, but at least you
will have a peaceful mind so that you can focus on your
main "focus".

Speak of the "focus", let me share with you a story.
Yesterday, I met a financial service advisor who helped
management some of my accounts. And she suggested me to
investment more on certain products. I told her that
my biggest investment is my health and my business.
That's my focus. For all the other stock investment
or RE investment, my goal is not losing money.

And guess what? I think I recovered from the pain for the past
two weeks. I should be doing well in the next half-marathon
3 weeks later. Good health is so important(so that I can blog more)

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 29th, 2012 3:31 PM



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