Mortgage Blog

How to be successful?

June 1st, 2017 10:54 PM by Eric Fang

Recently I got a lot of free time since I do not spend much time on the investment. I simply purchase SP 500 index ETF the beginning of each month. Then I do not need to watch the stock market. It saves me lots of time. But I still watch bonds market for the interest rate though.

I know I read a lot of interesting stuff recently, especially on how to be successful. Here is my summary:
1)If you want to have a reasonable "successful" life, it is very simple, work hard, get in a good school, find a good job, and do not make stupid mistakes.

2)If you want to have a happy family life,
Find a nice person as your life partner. If you can not find one, just be nice a person yourself.
Find a good stock/fund to invest, and hold it for a long time(or forever).

3)If you want to be "very" successful, be an expert in your area.
And if think it is hard to be an expert, then become top 10% in your area, and top 25% in at least one more area. You will find later on that you will find a niche market.  For a college kids, if you can not find another major you are interested, then just improve the presentation/speaking skills.

And the last.
4)Working hard can not guarantee a successful life. You will need good luck.
And lucky will accumulate and exemplify.
 In the very competitive field, you need especially lucky in order to win/or successful.

Got it? Then we all think we can do it right?

For me, the only thing I care a lot now is how I can accomplish more with less energy. I need to work smart. I prefer to use 20% of my time to make 80% of the income. And then use the other 80% of the time to exercise or run a marathon etc.

Back to RE or Mortgage related stuff.
1)One company, called Guild Mortgage allowed 1% down payment for the millennials.
But the problem is that some young guys do not want to purchase home now.

2)Mortgage late payment "unexpectedly" fall in May. Not a bad sign for the economy.

3)Tariff on Canadian lumber. The commerece Department imposed a new 20% tariff on softwood imports from Canadian. That means the house price will increase a little bit because of the extra cost. No wonder the sales down a little bit.

40The interest still goes no where yet.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on June 1st, 2017 10:54 PM



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