Mortgage Blog

Why I don't invest on Commercial RE now

June 2nd, 2013 9:40 PM by Eric Fang

The main reason is that I don't know how to.
And I don't invest in teh area I don't know.

The reason I have this topic here simply because
one of my clients brough it up when we talked on the
phone last week. And I wanted talk about it again

Normally when my daughter has Chinese class or Tennis
lessons/practice or Art classess, I will either
go to running or stay at Starbucks. Since I ran
7 miles Saturday morning, so I stayed at starbucks
for about 3 hours yesterday.

And guess what, if you like the starbucks, and stay
there longer enough, you will find lots of interesting

First, starbucks is one of the best places for the dating.
(The other one is Bar or the restaurants). Especially
they will choose it when they date the first time.

Yesterday, one photographer showed his work to a groom/bride.
Not sure whether he got his business. The another one
was an interview from a local newspaper/magazine.
And at some other times, I saw financial planners, insurance
agents, etc. And one weekend, another person told me
that he provided condolences service to others, and he
waited his clients there.

What I was trying to say is that a lot of people don't use
the office to meet people and have business any more. They
use "starbucks" or "moonbucks" to meet and work from home.
They do not rent videos from block buster any more, they
watch netflix at home now.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on June 2nd, 2013 9:40 PM



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