Mortgage Blog

Happy Holidays -- 2016

December 23rd, 2016 12:34 PM by Eric Fang

The rate stays the same as of the last a few days. And according the industry data,
the past week is the most "quiet" week after the election. And when the rate eased
a little bit and not surprisingly, I locked a loan this morning, though it is very high
high compared to the rates of a few months ago.

When the rates are heading higher, normally agents will try something else. I heard
some agents will spend some time in the real estate area. A few years ago, I even 
completed license for the insurance agents. And I did learn a lot about the insurance.

I still think the interest rate will go higher till March. So I will have a few changes 
as well. First, I would change the habit to "sleep early and getup early" style. And today
is teh first day, and I got up at 6(slept at 10pm yesterday). I hope I can continue to do
it in the coming year. Also, I planned to register a financial planner certificate 
course. I do not have to do anything on financial planning, but it is better to learn 
something. But next semester's two courses need prerequisite, so I have to give up.
But I indead tried a MOOC course: Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I
provided by Columbia University. It's very interesting to start learning these kind of courses.
Hopefully it will broaden my knowledge in the financial market.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on December 23rd, 2016 12:34 PM



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