Mortgage Blog

Going back to something is harder than you think

October 9th, 2012 12:22 PM by Eric Fang

I read the book "For one more day" by
Mitch Albom. And I found the following
sentence is very interesting:
Going back to something is harder than
you think.

Charley wanted to quit college to play
basevall and he told his mother that "
I can always go back to school". And
that's how his mother replied.

People will make decisions easily,
and will think it will be easy to fix
it if they find it's a mistake. But
it is not indeed easy.

This is from all the 40 years wisdom
from the mom. And sometimes, we feel
like we can learn  something from the
elnders, mentors, or the books.

I told my daughter the similar story
yesterday because my graduate advisor
said the same thing to me.

In 1995, I passed my comprehensive exam
and would get my Ph.D in statistics
if I could finish the dissertation.
But I decided to be a computer engineer
for a few years and told my old professor
that I would come back within 5 years
to fiish my degree. Though very sad
and disappointed about y leaving,
he told me that once you leave school,
you will not come back.

And it was so true.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 9th, 2012 12:22 PM



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