Mortgage Blog

The rate is up again -- April 23nd

April 23rd, 2018 12:51 PM by Eric Fang

I updated today's rate on my website. It is about 0.125% higher for most of the  program. But since the bond is at 2.95 now. So I personally think the rate will go back a little bit in the next 3 weeks.

Purchased the book: Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age  I will get the book by tonight. Hopefully I will finish it this week, and then I can pass to my daughter so that  she can read it.

Normally I will read books for about 5 -7 hours per week.  I did not read as much recently. The main reason was that I was distracted by one of the rental property. The property was damaged by the previous tenants, so I have to have the  whole house painted, and all the carpet would be replaced. And at some point I was undecided whether I need to sell the property or keep it as rental. If I sell, still not many bargains on the market for the purchase. Anyway, the painting work started over the weekend. And we would finalize on the carpet this week as well.

I listened to a book  recently(Did not purchase yet): Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb.
Since I am a real estate professional, normally it is so easy for me to make recommendation for my clients. But this time is different, since I have "Skin in the Game", my decision making seems like not right sometimes. So I think what would I do if my clients asked my the advice. So I handled it as the "third person". I would make the property as clean and presentable as possible, would sell the property if the sale price is good, otherwise will keep it as the rental. And then the whole process becomes easier.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on April 23rd, 2018 12:51 PM



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