Mortgage Blog

It has been great for 1/24 of 2020

January 14th, 2020 5:04 PM by Eric Fang

It has been great so far. I ran a total of 89 miles so far this year, my goal is 6 miles per day. I gained about 10 lbs during my china/India trip, so I plan to lose those weights this month. And so far so good, I lost 6 pounds. And 4 more lbs to go.

I changed my schedules a little bit this year, go to bed around 10:30pm to 11pm; get up around 6:20am to 6:45am, then run a few miles(6-9 miles depends on how I feel). For the first a few days, I have the average pace of 9:30 min per mile. Now the pace is 9min. I plan to increase to 8:45min. I have not started interval/tempo running yet, will do so next week.

Originated about 5 million loans so far. Not bad for only nearly half month. I got the purchase interest rate around 2.8xx to 2.9xx for my clients, even though the credit scores are not perfect. And am doing a few refinances, for condos as well. The rate is around 3% for 7/1ARM (APR 3.7%) with no closing cost.

Finished one book: Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Will finish The Second Mountain soon.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on January 14th, 2020 5:04 PM



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