Mortgage Blog

Will Disney's Iger retire soon?

May 16th, 2017 10:24 AM by Eric Fang

I happen to read the news about Robert Igor on the internet today.

And the store talked about whether he is going to retire soon, and how Disney stock up 400% after he became the CEO.

If anyone reads Steve Jobs' autobiography, you might remember this guy. Right after Jobs was ousted from Apple the first time, Jobs founded one company called NeXT, and the Pixar. And Pixar's first movie: Toy Story was a big hit before it was acquired by Disney. And the guy who talked to Jobs about the merger was Robert Igor. And he paid very high premium for the acquisition. And it turned out that this is one of the biggest decision he made to turn around Disney. And also helped Jobs back to Apple.

And the rumor had it, about one hour before the announcement of the merger, Jobs called Igor to take a walk and had a brief conversion. And during that conversion, Jobs told Igor that he had the cancer and might have 5 years of life. And he let Igor know so that Igor still had the chance to cancel this deal. And the rest is the history now.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on May 16th, 2017 10:24 AM



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