Mortgage Blog

Am I serious runner?

October 11th, 2013 10:52 PM by Eric Fang

I think I am. For the last half marthon, I tried
to remember all the routes, and what I should do
at important interscetions, like drank water,
took a gel, etc. And I tried hard to visualize
in my memory as well.

And tonight, I listed all the routes from google earth
and prepare for the first marathon. Hopefully I can do
better. And tomorrow, I would talk to a seasoned
marathon runner(9 time boston qualifier), will try
to get advice of the running strategy, the training
strategy for the next 6 weeks, etc. I think I should
have a good run, if I can plan correctly.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on October 11th, 2013 10:52 PM



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