Mortgage Blog

Engraving Method

July 22nd, 2013 10:27 PM by Eric Fang

I started reading the book of The Little Book
of Talent. It said, if you want to be successful,
The Tip#1 is: Stare at Who you want to become.
And Tip#2: Spend Fifteen Minutes a Day Engraving
The Skill of Your Brain. I like the way they called
it Engraving Methods.

For last a few Half Marathon Races, I did use
this Engraving Method. I planned ahead about
what pace I should use for each mile, when I
should drink water, when I should take gel,
and my goal of each race. And I managed to
complete 1 minute faster than each previous

Though I weighted only 171.8 pounds now,
and I completed two 20miles run, one 22 miles run,
I still did not have a very solid plan for the
upcoming Dec Marathon Debut. I think I should
"engraving" the pace, the water and the gel,
so that I can have a consitent race. Among the
3 long runs, the last weekend one is still the
best, though I was totally disappointed with
the last a few miles. But the pace is 9:20,
and I can complete the marathon about 4 hours
10 minutes if I can keep that pace.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on July 22nd, 2013 10:27 PM



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