Mortgage Blog

Resist the temptation

May 10th, 2018 9:40 AM by Eric Fang

One of my friends asked to get some energy ETF. According to him, the sector rotation should be good for energy stocks now. And another friend asked me to watch CTL, that one should be ok and also the dividend is over 10%. Should I buy it or not? Hard to resist the temptation. It was $17.5 when my friends recommended. It is $19.5 today.

But I am still familiar with bank stocks and Builder stocks. Sold LGIH at $71.x last week, and purchased back at $61.7 today. I think I did good on this one. Will do weekly/monthly trading on this one for fun.

My ultimate goal is buy/hold SP 500 index funds. And hold it for at least 30 years. And build the portfolio to certain level, and spend the rest of the other money. And will use the dividend income from KO/T and bank stock dividends as income if I decide to retire. And hold the index funds for a long long time.

Still life is better without trading stocks too much.

Finished another 10 miles this morning, with 8 miles the pace around 7:50. I did not try to hard for the next 2-3 weeks, and just check the heart rate under 150. That's my goal for the marathon race. I need to keep the heart rate under 150 for the first 20 miles, then race afterwards. Hopefully it works fine for the mountain to beach marathon race.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on May 10th, 2018 9:40 AM



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