Mortgage Blog

Just be petient

July 31st, 2017 2:33 PM by Eric Fang

I like the way my clients communicate with me. I think I have a good relationships with my clients. And sometimes we are like friends.

I have a lot of runners friends, and recently a few clients asked me to join their hiking groups, I think I will seriously think about it, though I like running and biking more.

We always have this kind of scenarios, why we need to choose "you" as my mortgage broker? The "you" here is me, actually. And the question is normally from the prospects.

I got a few emails recently about the investment. First, they will ask, "Is it a good time to invest now"? My answer is yes. The reason is that the housing inventory is low. BUT I still recommend them to wait. The reason was that we will have better opportunities.

I started working in USA since 1996. And I found that there are too many opportunities.
And even if you lost money in some of the markets, and if you can grab the opportunities once or twice, then your return will be good enough.

My best friend H retired a few years ago. And he is a few years younger. The "only" thing he did right was : he joined a start up and the company was acquired, and he poured money all in stock around 2008.  

And according to him, we should see some good opportunities in the next 3 years. He said that he did not which will cause the market to crash, but some events will eventually trigger it.

And at the end of month of June, Nobel Prize winner, Robert Shiller was "concerned" about the high level of stock markets. See the link here:

And dow was 21287.03 on that day. And It is 21891.12 today, it is about 3% higher. It does not mean we will not invest, I still ask the brokerage to "pull" the money out of my account to purchase the s&p 500 funds  VFIAX 1st day of each month.
Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on July 31st, 2017 2:33 PM



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