Mortgage Blog

Half of 1 Year passed for 2014

June 30th, 2014 5:28 PM by Eric Fang

There are lots of things going on for the past 6 months.

First, the business, I closed over 60 loans for the 6 months.
And the business picked up for the last 3 months. And
some of them are refi, most of them are purchase. And my
rates are still very competitive. So I think it is going to be
at least as good as before.

Then, the running. Lots of stories. Suddenly I can understand
why some kids do not like going to school, I think that's because
of homework and exams. If they have parties, have lots of funs,
and no exams, I think they are all willing to go. For my running,
after I got my coach, I felt exhausted sometimes,and I did not
like going running. That's just because of my "assignments".
For the past two months, I have average weekly mileage of 50 miles,
for May, I finished 204 miles; For June I completed 216 miles.
Since I was so tired, I started cutting my Friday's running and changed it to a rest day. Will I run faster during the race? I
don't know yet.

One of my processors, Ellen will start a new job in two weeks. That will be a great opportunity for her. I will be a little bit busier. But everything is under control, I still have one other processor to
help me with the loans. My running partner moved to San Diego
last weekend, so It will be tougher for me to run alone in the dark
mornings this winter to prepare for the marathon. The good news is
that we can run together next year for a race, most likely, in San Diego.

Read an article last week, it is about us economy. It is on the track
of recovery(but slowly). And the low rates will stay for at least 6-12 months.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on June 30th, 2014 5:28 PM



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