Mortgage Blog

Weekend Review(Jan 12)

January 12th, 2013 10:32 PM by Eric Fang

Completed another 10 miles today. 3 minutes slower
than normal speed. I think I just do not want to
have injury again. But I finished 60 miles so far
this year. And my weight under 180 lbs all this year.
Pretty encouraging.

For the business, I closed 4.46% of last year's loan.
I will not be bad year, though the volume will be expected

Complete One book about Warren Buffett. I am pretty
impressed by myself. One thing I learned is that
it need "long term" and patient to be a good investor.

Ordered one digital book of "Financial Literacy
for managers
". I am more interested in the three
financial statements -- balance sheet, income statement
and cash flow statement. I admit that I was not a good
MBA student 20 years ago(Did not know how I got the degree).
Hopefully I can understand those companies(I invested) financial
statements after this book. I may waste my time, but it's
better than "not knowing those numbers".

And next book I plan to read: The Essays of Warren Bufferr:
Lessons For Coporate America. The books can teach me how
to do the business, it will also teach me how to be
a good investor. And my strategy for this year:
hold the cash until market correction with good
purchase opportunities.

Posted in:General
Posted by Eric Fang on January 12th, 2013 10:32 PM



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